Monday, September 03, 2007

Hermitism - The Faith of Elders

Wiki : A hermit (from the Greek ἔρημος erēmos, signifying "desert", "uninhabited", hence "desert-dweller"; adjective: "eremitic") is a person who lives to some greater or lesser degree in seclusion and/or isolation from society.

Perhaps hermitism isn't one of the faithful religion of this day and age and perhaps it isn't this generations new age hoop-la-dee-da. But what ever it is, is a old time faith of elders. Not one religion has its monopoly upon the ever seeking and faithful lot of humanity. None but the Hermit. For the Hermit is John The Baptist (John 5:35), the buddha ("Stricken" by asceticism - or rather in the company of.) or even Lao Tzu. No one can really describe the hermit. In the west he is the one whom baptized the living Christ. Yet for another it is the awakened maya. Case in point : The Hermit is the one who brings about reform in religion. Be it Judaism to Christianty, or Hindusm to the Jains/Carvaka awakening the Buddha , it is always the secluded individual that bring about reformation.

The following link is a site specializing in the writings, contemplations and the visions of various forms of hermitism.
Link - The Hermitary - Resources and Reflections of Hermits and Solitude