Saturday, February 03, 2007

Greeks - Worshipping the Ancient Gods Again

After a break of 16 centuries, Greek pagans are worshipping the ancient gods again - despite furious opposition from the Orthodox church.

"Not since the late fourth century AD, when the newly Christian Roman state outlawed all forms of pagan worship, had a high priestess officiated on the sacred site. It was high noon when Doreta Peppa, a woman with long, dark locks and owlish eyes, entered the Sanctuary of Olympian Zeus. At first, tourists visiting the Athenian temple thought they had stumbled on to a film set. It wasn't just that Peppa cut a dramatic figure with her flowing robes and garlanded hair. Or that she seemed to be in a state of near euphoria. Or even that the group of men and women accompanying her - dressed as warriors and nymphets in kitsch ancient garb - appeared to have stepped straight out of the city's Golden Age. However this was indeed an act of worship.

So big, that like a thunderbolt from the deity himself, the one-hour ceremony has achieved the near-impossible task of unnerving Greece's powerful Orthodox church. Since Peppa's performance 10 days ago, hierarchs have redirected the venom they usually reserve for homosexuals, Catholics, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, masons and the "barbaric" Turks at the "miserable resuscitators" of the degenerate dead religion. In fire-and-brimstone sermons priests have slammed the "satanic" New Ageists and fulminated against their idols. "

Article and interview in full at - The Guardian UK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh yes another story about people bringing back the old days. I blame it on the people who have the need to lay judgement on others or feel rightiousness due to the fact they are hardcore in religion and others arent. You know (Mr/Mrs Finger pointer) if you were a little bit more understanding you just might inspire people to your way of life. But no, its mostly "Yea our not going to the good place." "Sinner!!!!" "Filthy witch" "Spawn of a deamons taint!"
Ok maybe im getting a little worked up but ignorance and laying judgement are just damn ugly.