Thursday, April 12, 2007

Xia Xiaowan - Artist

Chinese artist Xia Xiaowan’s 3D artwork is made from "slices" of painted glass stacked in a row to create a 3 dimensional image. I find his work eye grabbing and the medium he uses as vastly original. Some of his darker work reminds me of Adam Jones' of the band Tool. A definite complement coming from this blogger. I think Shu-Min Lin sums it up best by saying :

Xia Xiaowan surpasses the boundaries of painting and establishes a new way of “looking” at paintings. He draws his inspiration and method from X-ray photographs, giving two-dimensional painting a three-dimensional effect. He combines material, technology and painting, thus maintaining the hand-made qualities of painting while adding elements of installation and sculptural art and displaying the cold, absurd and strange qualities of realism. In this sense, his painting installation alters the way the audience “views” art. The audience is encouraged to “appreciate” the artwork from different perspectives and to think about the method by which the work was created. As an integration of sculpture, painting, installation art, photography and medical technology, Xia Xiaowan’s works exude an air of ambiguity. His distinct artistic approach represents the trend of China’s contemporary new painting.

If this is the contemporary trend of China's new artist, count me a fan. After all one of the meanings of art is to have the observer question, to force them to find prespective in the object being viewed, and Xia Xiaowan does it well. For me personally it's humanistic, cold & haunting realism. Love it.
Links: Galerie Meile & artnet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dali did that, but still very cool