Monday, December 11, 2006

Mayan Tooth and Skull Modification

"If you end up seeing Apocalypto and are wondering what's up with the inserts the Maya had in their teeth and their different skull shape, then I hope to answer that in this post. The Maya had a very unique set of aesthetical standards in their culture, but it is not specific to only the Maya. Two predominant ones, as seen in the movie were the reshaping of the crania and drilling jewels and precious stones into teeth.

Other cultures actively modified bodies, such as the Chinese and small feet in women. And don't think that this body modifications and cultural aesthetics are unique to far off cultures and civilizations. We do it in our modern day lives with plastic surgery, piercings, and tattoos."
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Anonymous said...

Its not the fact that they put jewels in thier teeth but the way they did it. Would you friggin drill into your teeth with out any numbing? Good god and I thought we went to extremes for vanity.

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