Friday, December 08, 2006

Profile of an Artist - Paul Laffoley

"Paul Laffoley, a painter and architect, is one of the most encyclopedic of visionary geniuses."~Alex Grey, Visionary Artist

By Laffoley's account, he spoke his first word ("Constantinople") at the age of six months, and then lapsed into 4 years of silence, having been diagnosed with slight Autism. Much later, in 1964, Laffoley began work [and life] in an eighteen-by-thirty foot utility room to found the Boston Visionary Cell, where he has produced the large majority of his art. Working in a solitary lifestyle, each 73 ½ x 73 ½ inch canvas can take one to three years to paint and code.

He has produced an estimated 800 of his immensely detialed canvases. He has been quoted as saying that at any given time there are dozens of these works already fully-articulated in his mind, waiting to be painted and circling like airplanes in a holding pattern waiting to land.

During a CAT scan of his head in 1992, a piece of metal 3/8 of an inch long was discovered in the occipital lobe of his brain, near the pineal gland. Local Mutual UFO Network investigators declared it to be "an alien nanotechnological laboratory." Laffoley has come to believe that the "implant" is extraterrestrial in origin and is the main motivation behind his ideas and theories.

In the summer of 2001, Laffoley fell from a 20-foot ladder and broke both legs. His right leg subsequently became infected and was amputated below the knee.After his amputation, in honor of his lost foot, Paul took some of the proceeds from his art and consulted Hollywood special effects guru Stan Winston to create an anatomically correct, fully functional prosthetic LION'S FOOT, which Mr. Laffoley wears to lectures and special occasions. Mr. Laffoley is a Leo.

Links to sites showing Paul Laffoley's Artwork after Images. Note : these image postings don't do the mans art justice, to truely see his work they must be viewed in high resolution. His works are filled with intricate detail that a small thumbnail just cant display. See link bellow.

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Links - Paul Laffoley's Homepage - An amazing site displaying all his artwork in high detail - Posters of his Works - The Myspace Tribute Page

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